Friday, September 25, 2015

Mind Chatter . . . The Ultimate Story-Teller !

I am NOT my Mind . . . I have a Mind (to use)
I – Spirit – must take charge of the mind.
I must observe the Mind and witness
what it is doing.
I must speak to the Mind . . . not from the Mind !
I tell my Mind:
You are NOT the Boss of us . . . I am in Charge of us !
‘I see what you are doing’ !
You are incessantly writing, telling, and repeating unpleasant and untrue stories.
You are our ‘protective’ personality . . . but this kind of protection is
un-necessary and harmful to us.
It is out of alignment with our Higher Self . . . and I Intent to bring us into Alignment with each other!
You derail my Intentions . . . instead of supporting them !
You always tell me what’s wrong . . . rather than what’s right . . .
How the world is against us . . . not for us . . .
What’s not working . . . instead of what’s working !
You paint a worst case scenario . . . not a best case scenario . . . and
You always point out all the reasons why it won’t work or
Why it won’t happen . . . how I’m not good enough . . . or why I’m not worthy !
You are incessantly writing, telling, adding to, and repeating these unpleasant and untrue stories to justify why you are needed to protect us . . . but
‘I see what you are doing’ ! Your protection is un-necessary and harmful; and I intent to take charge of you.
I must . . . and I intent to learn to separate myself from my Mind Chatter !
I Ask myself regularly: Is this true . . . or am I telling a story ?
What is the ’verifiable’ evidence????
If it is a story . . . I intentionally and deliberately  take away its energy, its power . . . by removing my attention from the story and giving my attention to something else . . . something more pleasant . . . i.e. I intentionally and deliberately  train myself to stop the false ‘story-telling’ by distracting myself !
I intentionally practice this every day as I go through my day . . . as I catch my mind telling its stories ! 
For more details visit MyWisdomBoard's 'Mind Chatter' page.