Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Power of ‘Affirmations’ and ‘Affirmative Guided Meditations’

‘Affirmations’ and ‘Affirmative Guided Meditations’ are both very Powerful Tools that have a lot in common. They have many of the same Benefits and they are also Practiced in the same way !  
The main difference is, while Affirmations are usually short and concise so that they can easily be remembered, Affirmative Guided Meditations are generally much lengthier.
Their common Benefits include that they both:
  • Create positive change in my life.
  • Help me clarify what I would like to have, create, or experience in my life.
  • Are scripts that describe my ‘Best Case Scenario’ vision.
  • Create focus by helping me hold my vision . . .
  • Help guide me towards being able to see, feel, and experience - in my body and my mind - how good it feels to have  what I want to experience ! Not how good it will feel when I have it . . . but how good it feels to have it ! ! !  
  • Raise my Vibrational Frequency.
  • Help me open a pathway that allows me to embody what I would like to experience.
  • Open my mind to new options, solutions, opportunities, and possibilities.


My Guidelines for Practicing both are exactly the same:

  • I must say it out loud every day.
  • I must be in a relaxed state, where I am undisturbed, and can allow for plenty of time.
  • When I practice them, I am creating and holding my vision . . .  and I must be able to see, feel, and experience - in my body and my mind - how good it feels to already have what it is that I want to experience ! Not how Good it Will Feel . . . but how Good it Feels . . . Right Now !
  • I must take appropriate Action and do what needs to be done to realize my vision.
Visit MyWisdomBoard's Affirmations or Meditations page for more details.










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