Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Path To Believe In My 'Self ' !

There is a part of me . . . however hidden . . . however small . . . that does not Believe !

This part of me is resistant to letting go of the old ways of thinking . . . the old ways of doing.
It is the shadow part of my mind . . . my EGO based

. . . self-defeating Mind Chatter.

Over time, this Mind Chatter has been exposed and its power has diminished, and as a result it is now fighting to survive . . . it is holding on for dear life.

It has learned to disguise itself and it is now cleverly hidden as it is lurking in the secluded corners of my Being . . . waiting to exert its camouflaged rebellious power.

I know it is there . . . I may not always see it . . . but I am increasingly learning to recognize the traces of its presence.

I accept it and embrace it as a part of my humanness in this moment.

I observe it . . . but I give it no power . . . I give it no home . . . because I see that it is lying to me.

I no longer want this dis-believe . . . this lie

. . . to block my path.

Instead, I would like the Experience of moving through each day in full Allowance of my Truth . . .

in full Allowance of total, uncompromising, steadfast Believe !

I now Surrender to this truth . . . and I Surrender to Spirit.

I eagerly collect any residuals of dis-believe within my Being and I lovingly ‘Hand it Over’ to Spirit.

Thy Will be done . . . please take It and do with It . . . according to my Highest Good . . . and please teach me ‘What I Need To Know’, ‘What I Must Do’, or ‘What I Must Become’  in order for this self-imposed limitation to be dissolved.

Thank you . . . You are loved ! 

I am now Free to Believe fully and whole-heartedly

. . . and I choose it !

It is my path . . . it is what I would like to experience in my life . . .

I’ve come so far . . . I am on the right path . . .
and there is so much good to come.

I Know it . . . I Feel it . . . I Anticipate it ! All Is Well.

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