Sunday, December 20, 2015

Holiday time can be a challenging time !

Holiday time can be a challenging time. It can be easy to get caught up in heavyhearted feelings about family, friends, relationships, money . . . or the world at large. It can become easy to give our attention to what we believe to be missing or what’s wrong, rather than look for and see the good of the abundance of what is there or what is right.

I remember a story about Mother Teresa, where she was said to have walked down a street in impoverished Calcutta; with hunger, death, and disease all around her. As she was walking down this street, with raw sewage flowing in the street gutter, she noticed one little flower growing in the sewage. This one flower was what she chose to see and focus on . . . it is what gave her strength, courage, hope, and joy in this moment . . . and whenever she intentionally chose to bring this image back into her awareness, when she needed it.

We see what we look for . . . we can choose to look for, find, and see the flower. It will allow for joy, love, gratitude, and appreciation to fill our heart so we can enjoy the holiday season just a little more, than we otherwise would.

Happy Holidays.



Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Power of ‘Affirmations’ and ‘Affirmative Guided Meditations’

‘Affirmations’ and ‘Affirmative Guided Meditations’ are both very Powerful Tools that have a lot in common. They have many of the same Benefits and they are also Practiced in the same way !  
The main difference is, while Affirmations are usually short and concise so that they can easily be remembered, Affirmative Guided Meditations are generally much lengthier.
Their common Benefits include that they both:
  • Create positive change in my life.
  • Help me clarify what I would like to have, create, or experience in my life.
  • Are scripts that describe my ‘Best Case Scenario’ vision.
  • Create focus by helping me hold my vision . . .
  • Help guide me towards being able to see, feel, and experience - in my body and my mind - how good it feels to have  what I want to experience ! Not how good it will feel when I have it . . . but how good it feels to have it ! ! !  
  • Raise my Vibrational Frequency.
  • Help me open a pathway that allows me to embody what I would like to experience.
  • Open my mind to new options, solutions, opportunities, and possibilities.


My Guidelines for Practicing both are exactly the same:

  • I must say it out loud every day.
  • I must be in a relaxed state, where I am undisturbed, and can allow for plenty of time.
  • When I practice them, I am creating and holding my vision . . .  and I must be able to see, feel, and experience - in my body and my mind - how good it feels to already have what it is that I want to experience ! Not how Good it Will Feel . . . but how Good it Feels . . . Right Now !
  • I must take appropriate Action and do what needs to be done to realize my vision.
Visit MyWisdomBoard's Affirmations or Meditations page for more details.










Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The 'Immense Power' of Appreciation !

Appreciation is the most Powerful Tool I know of, to create Well-Being and a Joyously Abundant  Life . . . and once I discovered this Immense Power of Appreciation . . . I have been wanting to do it more and more, just because it is so powerful and it feels so good !  I intentionally make Appreciation the object of my Attention . . . and as I do so, the Law Of Attraction is bringing me more and more to appreciate ! 

The reason why Appreciation is so powerful is because when we are in a state of Appreciation, we are not in a state of resistance, which is the root cause of our misery.

I don't however, try to Appreciate or feel good about things or people that are of a Lower Vibration . . . instead I take my attention away from them and I look for things or people of a higher Vibration and I Appreciate or feel good about them.

Love and appreciation are identical vibrations. Appreciation is the vibration of alignment with who-you-are. Appreciation is the absence of everything that feels bad and the presence of everything that feels good. When you focus upon what you want - when you tell the story of how you want your life to be - you will come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation, and when you reach it, it will pull you toward all things that you consider to be good in a very powerful way.    ---Abraham Hicks
Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others, and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational match to your Source Energy of anything that we've ever witnessed anywhere in the Universe.     
For more details visit MyWisdomBoard's 'Appreciation' page. 


Friday, September 25, 2015

Mind Chatter . . . The Ultimate Story-Teller !

I am NOT my Mind . . . I have a Mind (to use)
I – Spirit – must take charge of the mind.
I must observe the Mind and witness
what it is doing.
I must speak to the Mind . . . not from the Mind !
I tell my Mind:
You are NOT the Boss of us . . . I am in Charge of us !
‘I see what you are doing’ !
You are incessantly writing, telling, and repeating unpleasant and untrue stories.
You are our ‘protective’ personality . . . but this kind of protection is
un-necessary and harmful to us.
It is out of alignment with our Higher Self . . . and I Intent to bring us into Alignment with each other!
You derail my Intentions . . . instead of supporting them !
You always tell me what’s wrong . . . rather than what’s right . . .
How the world is against us . . . not for us . . .
What’s not working . . . instead of what’s working !
You paint a worst case scenario . . . not a best case scenario . . . and
You always point out all the reasons why it won’t work or
Why it won’t happen . . . how I’m not good enough . . . or why I’m not worthy !
You are incessantly writing, telling, adding to, and repeating these unpleasant and untrue stories to justify why you are needed to protect us . . . but
‘I see what you are doing’ ! Your protection is un-necessary and harmful; and I intent to take charge of you.
I must . . . and I intent to learn to separate myself from my Mind Chatter !
I Ask myself regularly: Is this true . . . or am I telling a story ?
What is the ’verifiable’ evidence????
If it is a story . . . I intentionally and deliberately  take away its energy, its power . . . by removing my attention from the story and giving my attention to something else . . . something more pleasant . . . i.e. I intentionally and deliberately  train myself to stop the false ‘story-telling’ by distracting myself !
I intentionally practice this every day as I go through my day . . . as I catch my mind telling its stories ! 
For more details visit MyWisdomBoard's 'Mind Chatter' page. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

When I Fall . . .

. . . and then I get back up !

I am a powerful Spiritual Being !
Spirit walks with me – Always.

I Trust ! I have Faith !
I Listen and I Learn !
I Love and I Congratulate myself for the work I am already doing !

I am loved and supported . . . ALWAYS !

I know . . . Everything is working together for my Good !
I know . . . Everything is as it should be for where I am and my level of awareness.

I see that . . . I’ve come a long way . . . and that I have good reason to feel proud of myself !

My needs are met . . .
All is well . . .
I Trust - All will be well !
Everything is Always working out for my Highest Good !

I Allow the pain . . . I allow myself to feel it . . . but I don’t feed it !
I Notice it, I See it, I Observe it, I Allow it to be . . . and
I Allow it to Flow through me and out of my body.

I take my attention away from the pain and . . . I Distract myself.
I shift my thinking . . . my self-talk.
I give my attention to the Potential . . . to the Possibilities !

I embrace and feed thoughts of the Potential and I nurture the Possibilities.
I Feel deep Appreciation for the Possibilities.

I allow the thoughts of the Possibilities to expand . . . and I bask in feeling of my Wishes fulfilled !

Life is Good !

Thursday, July 30, 2015

We Live in a Reflective Universe

The Essence of the predominant energy I radiate out into the world will in time be reflected back to me !
Nothing ever happens to me that is not a part of my Vibration!
If the Essence of my predominant energy is of a High Vibrational Frequency such as Abundance, Gratitude, Appreciation, Health, Well-Being, Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, Beauty, Harmony, Acceptance, Kindness, Support, Forgiveness, Compassion, or the like . . . then in time this Essence will return to me.
If the Essence of my predominant energy is of a Low Vibrational Frequency such as Illness, Hatred, Frustration, Judgment, Fear, Doubt, Worry, Lack, and Limitations or the like . . . then in time this Essence will return to me.
I can tell by how I am feeling whether my Vibration is in a place where I am allowing Universal Forces to deliver what I desire . . . or not.

If I pay attention to how I am feeling as I am thinking about a subject, I can become aware of the Vibration I am sending out at that moment . . . and because we live in a reflective Universe . . . if I become aware of this repeatedly . . . I raise my awareness about which Vibration I am sending out most consistently and predominantly . . . it will then let me know what the Universe will (in time) reflect back to me . . . and whether my Vibration is in a place where I am Allowing Universal Forces to deliver what I desire, or something else.  


Thursday, June 18, 2015

FEAR talks to me . . .

FEAR talks to me and it tries to scare the wits out of me . . . but there is something I can learn.

My Fear reminds me about what has happened in the past  . . .
and it tells me what ‘could’ happen in the future . . . possibly again !
It repeatedly echo’s the ‘worst case’ scenario in my head.
It reiterates: I am doomed !

My Fear creates intense feelings in me . . . as though this worst case scenario is playing out and happening in this moment . . . as though it is a reality in its entirety . . . Right here . . . Right  Now ! And most of the time, the simple truth is: It is simply not true ! My mind is playing tricks on me. It is not telling me the truth !

It is not telling me that there may be other possible scenarios or outcomes.
It is not reminding me that there are options that affect this scenario or outcome.
It is not pointing out that this scenario was in the past and is no longer valid.
It is not reminding me that there is a time-frame before such an possible outcome.
It is not telling me . . . etc. etc.

When I decide to objectively look at what the Fear is telling me, I can see that . . . There is no ‘Imminent Danger’ . . . instead, what is happening is, that I am responding to something that is triggering my Fear reaction.

Fear affects my Well-Being
When Fear creates these intense feelings in me, the vibration of this negative energy shoots through my body, and because I believe it to be true, I unintentionally hold on to it in my body . . . where it stays . . . ready to rise up again the next time it is triggered . . . repeating a vicious cycle.  
During this vicious cycle, my body responds by creating toxic chemicals that are released into my system . . . and the repeated release of those chemicals into my system will eventually manifest into premature aging and sickness in the physical body.

What I can do ?
Become aware of the Fear process and how it affects me, my body, and my life.
Learn how to effectively deal with my Fear issues. 
Learn to release the negative energy before it gets stuck in my body.
Learn to release the negative energy that is already stuck in my body.
Become aware that this is not usually a one time and it is done process. Many of my Fear patterns took a lot of repetition to establish and they are going to take repetition to dismantle.

When Fear arises, ask these Questions:
Is there ‘Imminent Danger’ ? If yes . . . act !
How much of what is being described by my Fear is actually happening, Now ?
Is there a possibility that it may happen ? Maybe . . . anything is possible.
Is it going to happen . . . for sure ? No . . . few things are for sure.
Is it happening NOW ? Most of the time . . . No !
How much time is there before this may happen and what else needs to occur before it actually turns into this reality?
Is there something I can do to influence this outcome ?
What can I / could I / am I willing to do to influence this outcome ?

It's NOT True !





Thursday, May 28, 2015

Vibrational Alignment with what I Seek

There is Great Value in learning about Vibrational Alignment with what I Seek if, that which I am seeking is eluding me despite my efforts. 

For me, finding Alignment with what I want to create in my life is not easy to understand and even harder to practice. I also know this to be true for many people, which is why I am sharing with you what I am learning about this. I hope that is helps you find your way to your Alignment with all you desire and seek to experience in your life.  

About Alignment
Alignment with what I want is critical if I want it to materialize.
Most of us don’t even realize that we are out of Alignment and that this misalignment is the cause of much of our dis-ease in our lives.
Alignment seems simple enough when it is talked about but it is not easy to understand and even harder to put into conscientious practice.

Principles Of Alignment :
I am an Vibrational Being ! 

Alignment = Matching of the same Frequencies
Alignment = Matching the frequency of my vibration to the frequency of what I would like to experience
Alignment = Allowing these frequencies to match and dominate in my life Alignment = Release of Resistance
Alignment = The predominant Absence of resistant thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, statements, behavior, fear, doubt, worry, etc.

If I am able to create and hold the feeling and experience of what I would like to experience in the absence of the evidence of it . . . then I am Aligned with what I seek.  

Alignment . . .
Is to see, feel, and experience it already done.
It is to TRUST that it is already done and it is on its way to me.
I am committed to follow my Guidance and act on the opportunities and doors presented to me on my path.

I understand that there is a Lag Time . . . and I am patient.
I understand that the vibration of what I think, feel, and speak, must match the vibration of what I want to show up. (See LOA)  

As I patiently move along my path . . .

I Feel appreciative, grateful, and as happy as I can with where I am  . . . with who I am . . . and with what I have . . . while at the same time I feel optimistic and excited about the good that is coming towards me.

I anticipate it with no feeling of impatience, doubt, or worry hindering my receiving of it !
I anticipate it patiently . . . knowing that it is flowing to me . . . and that it will arrive when the time is right !

All day, every day, as I move through my day . . . I count my blessings !
All day, every day, as I move through my day . . . I make mental lists of the many things I appreciate and I am grateful for !

I notice every seemingly little, good thing in my live . . . and I feel appreciation for its presence in my life . . . and as I keep activating those positive thoughts and feelings . . . those positive vibrations . . . of what is working . . . of what is good in my life . . . more of what’s working and what's good will flow to me. The LOA makes it so.  

The Abundance in my life . . .  is simply the universe’ response to my consistent thoughts and feelings about Abundance.

I Know, or Trust, that the abundance I seek is coming . . . that It is flowing to me freely and generously . . .
I feel appreciation for it . . . even if I can't see it in my physical reality yet . . .
I feel appreciation for what is now . . .
and I feel excitement and appreciation for what is on its way to me.

I relax and enjoy the unfolding of it . . . because I know that I am meant to realize what I seek . . . that I am meant to be abundant in so many different ways and . . . that I am meant to be happy ! I know that 'All Is Well' and everything will evolve as it should for my Highest Good !  
Learn more about Vibrational Alignment from the Expert  Abraham Hicks   

If you can begin to savor the mere fact that you have desire right now, and stop trying so hard to have that desire be fulfilled and manifested in some physical format, then you would have it.  Abraham Hicks

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

About ‘The Law Of Attraction’

The Law Of Attraction (LOA) seems simple but it is not all that easily understood.

The LOA is a Universal Law !
A Universal Law is a law that works at all times for all things . . .
Whether we want it to or not . . .
No Exceptions !

We live in a reflective Universe . . . made of 100% Vibrations.  
Vibrations are Energy.
All Energy sends out a signal that carries a Vibrational Frequency.

The LOA is the Universal Manager of all Vibrations (signals) and . . . it always flows through the ‘Path of Least Resistance’.

As a 100 % Vibrational Being – who radiates out a Vibrational Signal at a specific Frequency . . . every moment of every day . . . the Universe responds to that signal . . . by reflecting back to me the 'Essence' of what I, consistently and predominantly, send out. This 'Essence' is reflected back to me through ‘My Path Of Least Resistance’.

The LOA is the Universe’s response to what I claim to be true in my heart and in my mind – and this is how ‘I Create my Reality’ . . . my life experience!

I can only claim what I believe in . . . what I know can exist, what I feel certain about, what I can create and experience in my mind . . . in my vision . . . what I can imagine, feel, see, smell, taste, and know to be possible . . . what I know can be so . . . and what I know is already so.  

Because the LOA is the Universe’ response to what I claim . . . I must be conscious of what it is that I am claiming,  and I must become deliberate in training myself to claim what I seek . . . instead of unintentionally choosing the opposite.

Am I claiming a pleasurable reality or a distasteful reality ?
Am I claiming the delightful things that I would like to experience in my life . . . or am I unconsciously claiming the unpleasant experiences that I actually fear and want to avoid ? I must be in Vibrational Alignment with what I seek.  

When my thoughts, my feelings, or my attention is frequently and predominantly focused on something unpleasant . . . I am claiming something unpleasant to show up in my life . . . whether I want it or not. It may not show up in the same thing, the same way, or through the same person . . . but in time the 'Essence' of it will be reflected back to me . . . It is Law !

When I fear . . . or I feel badly about not having the things I want to have, be, or do; rather than claim the things I would like to have, be, or do – I am creating a reality of more of what I don’t have, what I am not, and what I believe that I am not able to do. This is more of the opposite of what I actually want – because the Universe is reflecting the 'stress' energy of the feeling of the absence of what I want to have, be, or do, back to me. 

The easiest way to tell what consistent and predominant energy I have been sending out is to notice how things are turning out for me. It tells me in a very clear way which 'Vibrational Signals’ I have been sending out, because I always get the Essence of this energy back whether I want it or not.

In other words . . . The 'Essence' of what I feel to be true in my heart and in my mind and what I get back are always a perfect Vibrational Match.


Learn more about the powerful LOA from Abraham and Esther Hicks.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Path To Believe In My 'Self ' !

There is a part of me . . . however hidden . . . however small . . . that does not Believe !

This part of me is resistant to letting go of the old ways of thinking . . . the old ways of doing.
It is the shadow part of my mind . . . my EGO based

. . . self-defeating Mind Chatter.

Over time, this Mind Chatter has been exposed and its power has diminished, and as a result it is now fighting to survive . . . it is holding on for dear life.

It has learned to disguise itself and it is now cleverly hidden as it is lurking in the secluded corners of my Being . . . waiting to exert its camouflaged rebellious power.

I know it is there . . . I may not always see it . . . but I am increasingly learning to recognize the traces of its presence.

I accept it and embrace it as a part of my humanness in this moment.

I observe it . . . but I give it no power . . . I give it no home . . . because I see that it is lying to me.

I no longer want this dis-believe . . . this lie

. . . to block my path.

Instead, I would like the Experience of moving through each day in full Allowance of my Truth . . .

in full Allowance of total, uncompromising, steadfast Believe !

I now Surrender to this truth . . . and I Surrender to Spirit.

I eagerly collect any residuals of dis-believe within my Being and I lovingly ‘Hand it Over’ to Spirit.

Thy Will be done . . . please take It and do with It . . . according to my Highest Good . . . and please teach me ‘What I Need To Know’, ‘What I Must Do’, or ‘What I Must Become’  in order for this self-imposed limitation to be dissolved.

Thank you . . . You are loved ! 

I am now Free to Believe fully and whole-heartedly

. . . and I choose it !

It is my path . . . it is what I would like to experience in my life . . .

I’ve come so far . . . I am on the right path . . .
and there is so much good to come.

I Know it . . . I Feel it . . . I Anticipate it ! All Is Well.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mirror Work !

It is an incredibly effective technique to build self-esteem, self-love, and self-worth !

It has been scientifically proven that radiating self-love and self-care through the body-mind system activates beneficial hormones and boosts the immune system.                                                

So Go Ahead and try it . . . learn to Radiate Some Self-Love And Self-Care !

 Here is a great Daily Practice you can try.

For other daily practices visit

Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Comfort Blessing

If you or someone you love is in the need for feeling comforted try this Comfort Blessing that I wrote.     

Open your heart and soul to receive this blessing. Thank the Divine and offer your deepest gratitude and deepest love for all the blessings you receive.